ASHOKA SPA Valentine’s Day Tournament, was the first event of the calendar of activities celebrating Palheiro Golf’s 30th anniversary, held last Saturday, 11th February 2023. 


The rain the night before had played a few tricks on the course maintenance, but thanks to the extra effort of this fearless team it was possible to follow up on what was a challenging tournament. 

The 60 players respected the red dress code, the colour of love, and were treated to a special treat before the start of the game, a hand massage, sponsored by ASHOKA SPA.  


This special tournament was played in Texas Scramble, by pairs of players, who had to choose their best ball to play. 


At the prize giving ceremony, Birgitte Moukom and her team from ASHOKA SPA, awarded couples massages for the 3 best ranked teams. Winning, by tie-breaker in the last 9 holes, the Franciscos (Fernandes and Carvalho Gouveia), this double wonder team managed a fantastic score of 51 points thanks to their several birdies and holes at par. The second place went to the Rodrigues team, father and son (Duarte and Salvador), dressed properly with their Team Love Shirt, also with a score of 51 points, where the day was worth for the fantastic eagle, in hole 18, by Rodrigues Jr. Closing the podium in 3rd place was the team José Ornelas and Hélio Neves with 47 points. 

Each player, from each winning team, also received cinema vouchers, sponsored by NOS Empresas, and a box of chocolates to sweeten Valentine’s Day, sponsored by UAUCACAU. 


All this celebration would not be possible without the support of our main sponsors 2023: Savoy Signature, NOS Empresas, Empresa de Cervejas da Madeira and BPI and also our partners. 

A special thanks to the partners of this magnificent event: ASHOKA SPA and UAUCACAU.